Personal Injury Protection

Personal Injury Protection

When choosing a lawyer to represent your interests against the insurance industry, it is paramount to look for a lawyer who has experience, and an understanding of the issues claimants face when injured in an automobile accident. This is particularly true when a claim is guided by both a contract of insurance and Florida Statutes, as is the case with Personal Injury Protection Insurance, better known as PIP.

At White & Twombly, our PIP team has over 20 years of litigating experience, with over 50 PIP jury trials conducted in Civil Court. Furthermore, members of our team have previously represented various insurers, so they understand the issues related to making a claim subsequent to a loss, and what to expect from their insurance carrier as it relates to their injuries and medical treatment.

We also understand the issues faced by both claimants and their medical providers in attempting to obtain benefits due for medical treatment provided. With the knowledge we have gained from our vast experience in PIP litigation, we are best situated to represent your needs to insure that your interests are protected after a loss.

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